Our Pricing
If your film has a runtime under 40 minutes, there will be a $49 setup fee.
KDM Encryption requires a $299 fee per key request.
2K Pricing
Turnaround Time & Resolution | Pricing |
3 Business Days | $5/Minute |
1 Business Day | $7/Minute |
Same-Day | $9/Minute |
4K Pricing
Turnaround Time & Resolution | Pricing |
3 Business Days | $8/Minute |
1 Business Day | $11/Minute |
Same-Day | $15/Minute |
Delivery Options
Delivery Option | Pricing |
USB 3.0 Hard Drive | $150 |
Cloud (1 year of storage, unlimited downloads, 24/7 access) | $99 (under 40 min) / $199 (over 40 min) |
Temporary File Transfer (available for 7 days) | $0 |